- A+
* listMessages - 获取邮件列表
* @param $page - 第几页
* @param $per_page - 每页显示多少封邮件
* @param $sort - 邮件排序,如:array('by' => 'date', 'direction' => 'desc')
* */
function listMessages($page = 1, $per_page = 25, $sort = null){}
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include("receivemail.class.php"); $obj = receiveMail('abc@abc.com','xxxxxx','abc@abc.com','pop.abc.com','pop3','110', false); $obj->connect(); $maillist = $obj->listMessages(); print_r($maillist); 运行结果大致如下: Array ( [res] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [subject] => 解决PHP邮件接收类的乱码问题 [from] => xxx <xxx@phper.org.cn> [to] => abc <abc@abc.com> [date] => Mon, 28 Jan 2013 14:23:06 +0800 (CST) [message_id] => <2afc51061915f95-00004.Richmail.00037000523146269922@xxx.com> [size] => 42259 [uid] => 1 [msgno] => 1 [recent] => 1 [flagged] => 0 [answered] => 0 [deleted] => 0 [seen] => 0 [draft] => 0 [body] => 邮件内容 ) ) [start] => 1 [limit] => 25 [sorting] => Array ( [by] => [direction] => ) [total] => 47 [pages] => 2 ) |
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class receiveMail { var $server=''; var $username=''; var $password=''; var $marubox=''; var $email=''; function receiveMail($username,$password,$EmailAddress,$mailserver='localhost',$servertype='pop',$port='110',$ssl = false) //Constructure { if($servertype=='imap') { if($port=='') $port='143'; $strConnect='{'.$mailserver.':'.$port. '}INBOX'; } else { $strConnect='{'.$mailserver.':'.$port. '/pop3'.($ssl ? "/ssl" : "").'}INBOX'; } $this->server = $strConnect; $this->username = $username; $this->password = $password; $this->email = $EmailAddress; } function connect() //Connect To the Mail Box { $this->marubox=@imap_open($this->server,$this->username,$this->password); if(!$this->marubox) { echo "Error: Connecting to mail server"; exit; } } function listMessages($page = 1, $per_page = 25, $sort = null) { $limit = ($per_page * $page); $start = ($limit - $per_page) + 1; $start = ($start < 1) ? 1 : $start; $limit = (($limit - $start) != ($per_page-1)) ? ($start + ($per_page-1)) : $limit; $info = imap_check($this->marubox); $limit = ($info->Nmsgs < $limit) ? $info->Nmsgs : $limit; if(true === is_array($sort)) { $sorting = array( 'direction' => array( 'asc' => 0, 'desc' => 1), 'by' => array('date' => SORTDATE, 'arrival' => SORTARRIVAL, 'from' => SORTFROM, 'subject' => SORTSUBJECT, 'size' => SORTSIZE)); $by = (true === is_int($by = $sorting['by'][$sort[0]])) ? $by : $sorting['by']['date']; $direction = (true === is_int($direction = $sorting['direction'][$sort[1]])) ? $direction : $sorting['direction']['desc']; $sorted = imap_sort($this->marubox, $by, $direction); $msgs = array_chunk($sorted, $per_page); $msgs = $msgs[$page-1]; } else { $msgs = range($start, $limit); //just to keep it consistent } $result = imap_fetch_overview($this->marubox, implode($msgs, ','), 0); if(false === is_array($result)) return false; foreach ($result as $k => $r) { $result[$k]->subject = $this->_imap_utf8($r->subject); $result[$k]->from = $this->_imap_utf8($r->from); $result[$k]->to = $this->_imap_utf8($r->to); $result[$k]->body = $this->getBody($r->msgno); } //sorting! if(true === is_array($sorted)) { $tmp_result = array(); foreach($result as $r) { $tmp_result[$r->msgno] = $r; } $result = array(); foreach($msgs as $msgno) { $result[] = $tmp_result[$msgno]; } } $return = array('res' => $result, 'start' => $start, 'limit' => $limit, 'sorting' => array('by' => $sort[0], 'direction' => $sort[1]), 'total' => imap_num_msg($this->marubox)); $return['pages'] = ceil($return['total'] / $per_page); return $return; } function getHeaders($mid) // Get Header info { if(!$this->marubox) return false; $mail_header=imap_header($this->marubox,$mid); $sender=$mail_header->from[0]; $sender_replyto=$mail_header->reply_to[0]; if(strtolower($sender->mailbox)!='mailer-daemon' && strtolower($sender->mailbox)!='postmaster') { $mail_details=array( 'from'=>strtolower($sender->mailbox).'@'.$sender->host, 'fromName'=>$sender->personal, 'toOth'=>strtolower($sender_replyto->mailbox).'@'.$sender_replyto->host, 'toNameOth'=>$sender_replyto->personal, 'subject'=>$mail_header->subject, 'to'=>strtolower($mail_header->toaddress) ); } return $mail_details; } function get_mime_type(&$structure) //Get Mime type Internal Private Use { $primary_mime_type = array("TEXT", "MULTIPART", "MESSAGE", "APPLICATION", "AUDIO", "IMAGE", "VIDEO", "OTHER"); if($structure->subtype) { return $primary_mime_type[(int) $structure->type] . '/' . $structure->subtype; } return "TEXT/PLAIN"; } function get_part($stream, $msg_number, $mime_type, $structure = false, $part_number = false) //Get Part Of Message Internal Private Use { if(!$structure) { $structure = imap_fetchstructure($stream, $msg_number); } if($structure) { if($mime_type == $this->get_mime_type($structure)) { if(!$part_number) { $part_number = "1"; } $text = imap_fetchbody($stream, $msg_number, $part_number); if($structure->encoding == 3) { return imap_base64($text); } else if($structure->encoding == 4) { return imap_qprint($text); } else { return $text; } } if($structure->type == 1) /* multipart */ { while(list($index, $sub_structure) = each($structure->parts)) { if($part_number) { $prefix = $part_number . '.'; } $data = $this->get_part($stream, $msg_number, $mime_type, $sub_structure, $prefix . ($index + 1)); if($data) { return $data; } } } } return false; } function getTotalMails() //Get Total Number off Unread Email In Mailbox { if(!$this->marubox) return false; $headers=imap_headers($this->marubox); return count($headers); } function GetAttach($mid,$path) // Get Atteced File from Mail { if(!$this->marubox) { return false; } $struckture = imap_fetchstructure($this->marubox,$mid); $ar=""; if($struckture->parts) { foreach($struckture->parts as $key => $value) { $enc=$struckture->parts[$key]->encoding; if($struckture->parts[$key]->ifdparameters) { $name=$struckture->parts[$key]->dparameters[0]->value; $message = imap_fetchbody($this->marubox,$mid,$key+1); switch ($enc) { case 0: $message = imap_8bit($message); break; case 1: $message = imap_8bit ($message); break; case 2: $message = imap_binary ($message); break; case 3: $message = imap_base64 ($message); break; case 4: $message = quoted_printable_decode($message); break; case 5: $message = $message; break; } $fp=fopen($path.$name,"w"); fwrite($fp,$message); fclose($fp); $ar=$ar.$name.","; } // Support for embedded attachments starts here if($struckture->parts[$key]->parts) { foreach($struckture->parts[$key]->parts as $keyb => $valueb) { $enc=$struckture->parts[$key]->parts[$keyb]->encoding; if($struckture->parts[$key]->parts[$keyb]->ifdparameters) { $name=$struckture->parts[$key]->parts[$keyb]->dparameters[0]->value; $partnro = ($key+1).".".($keyb+1); $message = imap_fetchbody($this->marubox,$mid,$partnro); switch ($enc) { case 0: $message = imap_8bit($message); break; case 1: $message = imap_8bit ($message); break; case 2: $message = imap_binary ($message); break; case 3: $message = imap_base64 ($message); break; case 4: $message = quoted_printable_decode($message); break; case 5: $message = $message; break; } $fp=fopen($path.$name,"w"); fwrite($fp,$message); fclose($fp); $ar=$ar.$name.","; } } } } } $ar=substr($ar,0,(strlen($ar)-1)); return $ar; } function getBody($mid) // Get Message Body { if(!$this->marubox) { return false; } $body = $this->get_part($this->marubox, $mid, "TEXT/HTML"); if ($body == "") { $body = $this->get_part($this->marubox, $mid, "TEXT/PLAIN"); } if ($body == "") { return ""; } return $this->_iconv_utf8($body); } function deleteMails($mid) // Delete That Mail { if(!$this->marubox) return false; imap_delete($this->marubox,$mid); } function close_mailbox() //Close Mail Box { if(!$this->marubox) return false; imap_close($this->marubox,CL_EXPUNGE); } function _imap_utf8($text) { if(preg_match('/=?([a-zA-z0-9-]+)?(.*)?=/i', $text, $match)) { $text = imap_utf8($text); if(strtolower(substr($match[1], 0, 2)) == 'gb') { $text = iconv('gbk', 'utf-8', $text); } return $text; } return $this->_iconv_utf8($text); } function _iconv_utf8($text) { $s1 = iconv('gbk', 'utf-8', $text); $s0 = iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $s1); if($s0 == $text) { return $s1; } else { return $text; } } } |
function sendmail($to, $from, $subject = "", $body = "", $mailtype, $cc = "", $bcc = "", $additional_headers = "")面是一个php邮件发送的类的一个函数。
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{ $mail_from = $this->get_address($this->strip_comment($from)); $body = ereg_replace("(^|(rn))(.)", "1.3", $body); $header = "MIME-Version:1.0rn"; if($mailtype=="HTML"){ $header .= "Content-Type:text/htmlrn"; } $header .= "To: ".$to."rn"; if ($cc != "") { $header .= "Cc: ".$cc."rn"; } $header .= "From: 报名邮件.<".$from.">rn"; $header .= "Subject: ".$subject."rn"; $header .= $additional_headers; $header .= "Date: ".date("r")."rn"; $header .= "X-Mailer:By Redhat (PHP/".phpversion().")rn"; $utfheader=iconv("UTF-8","GB2312",$header); list($msec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); $header .= "Message-ID: <".date("YmdHis", $sec).".".($msec*1000000).".".$mail_from.">rn"; $TO = explode(",", $this->strip_comment($to)); if ($cc != "") { $TO = array_merge($TO, explode(",", $this->strip_comment($cc))); } if ($bcc != "") { $TO = array_merge($TO, explode(",", $this->strip_comment($bcc))); } $sent = TRUE; foreach ($TO as $rcpt_to) { $rcpt_to = $this->get_address($rcpt_to); if (!$this->smtp_sockopen($rcpt_to)) { $this->log_write("Error: Cannot send email to ".$rcpt_to."n"); $sent = FALSE; continue; } if ($this->smtp_send($this->host_name, $mail_from, $rcpt_to, $utfheader, $body)) { $this->log_write("E-mail has been sent to <".$rcpt_to.">n"); } else { $this->log_write("Error: Cannot send email to <".$rcpt_to.">n"); $sent = FALSE; } fclose($this->sock); $this->log_write("Disconnected from remote hostn"); } return $sent; } |
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####################--发邮件--#################### $smtpserver = "smtp.126.com";//SMTP服务器 $smtpserverport = 25;//SMTP服务器端口 $smtpusermail = "test@126.com";//SMTP服务器的用户邮箱 $smtpuser = "test";//SMTP服务器的用户帐号 $smtppass = "123456";//SMTP服务器的用户密码 $smtpemailto = "dianzhong@126.com";//发送给谁 $mailsubject = $username.'报名!';//邮件主题 $mailtime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $mailbody = $content;//邮件内容 $utfmailbody = iconv("UTF-8","GB2312",$mailbody);//转换邮件编码 $mailtype = "HTML";//邮件格式(HTML/TXT),TXT为文本邮件 |
在这里需要一个smtp服务器。我们可以注册一个126的邮箱。 在上面的代码中,修改成你自己注册的邮箱地址和用户名、密码即可。